, , Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Monday , April 15, 2024 Busy , busy , busy weekend And not all that much radio to show for it oy Although I did get on Friday night for a couple hours after dinner to partake of the QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party , which ran from 8:00 PM to Midnight , my local time . There was a decent amount of activity , which was really , really nice to see hear . I worked 17 stations all QRP ARCI members . I mainly searched and pounced , but I did call CQ on 20 and 40 Meters , not so much to run a frequency , but to get an idea via the Reverse Beacon Network in order to see where I was being . heard From the results tally so far , I'm sitting in the bottom third of the pack , which I half as much expected . If I